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About Us


According to a Pew Research Study of our Religious Landscape...

  • Church attendance in America has declined by 10 million over the last 10 years while the general population has increased by 18 million. 

  • More and more people claim to be unaffiliated with any religious belief system, opting instead to call themselves “spiritual but not religious” 

  • Congregational aging is outpacing the rate at which young people are joining


We’ve heard the stories and seen the numbers, the church is struggling in America today. From flagship churches to rural congregation, communities of faith are looking for help in turning the tide for the church in America.



Yet, we have this HOPE

The message of Jesus Christ still matters today.

      Humanity still matters God. 

           God still loves us. 

               People still need to know they are loved.

                   Redemption still happens everyday. 

The way we do church might be changing but the reason we are the church has not. We have a message of love, redemption, resurrection and restoration that will always be relevant. 

Leadership Nexus can help you find the renewal you seek and find your unique way to share this story of love and redemption and see the church alive again.


Founded in 2006 by Dr. Robert Pierson, retired United Methodist Pastor from Oklahoma, we are a faith based non-profit leadership development foundation focused on raising up leaders for the transformation of the world through workshops, conferences, consulting and networking opportunities. Led today by Rev. Becky Pierson, Leadership Nexus is made up of nationally recognized pastors and innovators in sustainable church growth, branding and marketing, the entertainment industry, and creative leadership - all focused on one thing - to raise up leaders and churches for the transformation of the world. 

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